I’m Henrik

I work with clients to create human-centered organisations that are responsive to customer needs and empowered to make a difference.

Being a leadership advisor, coach and facilitator, I help companies to apply a leadership mindset that can lift their business.

My background is a Masters in Psychology from The University of Copenhagen and years and years of experience with private and public organisations.

I have, over the years, been associated with several MBA Programs as well as being lecturing at The University of Copenhagen. Currently, I’m a censor at the technical universities in Denmark.

I was previously awarded for “Change Program of The Year” by The Danish Management Council and the same year named “Consultant of the Year” by leading danish business magazine, Berlingske Nyhedsmagasin.

How I work

How I work and what’s important to me. 


What I believe in

What I have experienced and learned  to believe in.
